The Keys to Customer Satisfaction: Quantitative Data & Employee Coaching

The Keys to Customer Satisfaction: Quantitative Data & Employee Coaching

In today’s business world, listening to the voice of the customer plays a key role in employee coaching and creates a win-win effect for the organization by improving customer satisfaction. Using qualitative, real-life examples from customer reviews and comment cards, as well as quantitative feedback from customer perception data, leaders can create coaching plans that improve employee performance and enable more positive customer experiences. 

This type of closed-loop feedback and performance coaching model is proven to drive real change that affects both customer perception and the bottom line. 

We understand that coaching shouldn’t just be a one way presentation from manager to employee about perceived issues. Organizations that embed a culture of continuous improvement into their coaching efforts often emphasize:

  1. Multi-way dialogues to review customer feedback and identify the root causes of problems
  2. Co-creation of solutions within teams to solve those problems. 

The goal of this process is to build a culture of excellence by aligning customer experience with expectations, measuring the success of delivery and rewarding teams when goals are achieved.

Qualitative Feedback

The voice of the customer, both positive and negative, can have a powerful impact on performance coaching. Qualitative data including online reviews, comment cards, focus groups and interviews can provide valuable insights into real customer experiences. It’s important to ensure that not only do customers receive responses to this feedback, but that feedback and direct quotes also reach employees involved in delivering these experiences.

Quantitative Data

Quantitative data that comes from customer experience surveys is what many organizations lack when designing performance improvement plans. Questions should be designed around key points in the customer journey and provide actionable data for management for use for performance coaching. This type of unbiased, numerical feedback enables managers to quickly and effectively: 

  1. Identify areas of improvement
Track employee progress

  3. Recognize top performers

  4. Embed personal accountability

Pro Tip: Displaying a live dashboard of employee performance and scores in a common room is an ideal way to motivate employees on a daily basis and keep customer satisfaction top of mind.


Manager and Employee Coaching

To kickstart productive 1:1 employee conversations, it is important to use the voice of the customer in both qualitative and quantitative forms. Review both positive and negative customer comments, discuss employee scores and key themes, and be very clear about performance incentives and ways to reach those goals. 

It’s important to keep the conversation honest and aspirational by asking open ended questions that involve the employee in creating a game plan. 

“What do you think are your areas for improvement?”
“What do you want to achieve?”
“What do you feel is missing to help you meet your goals?” 

We believe that people will defend and protect that which they help create; so in creating solutions together, an employee is more likely to make the necessary changes and agree that they’re important. 

Manager and Team Two-Way Dialogue

Weekly or monthly team meetings can follow a similar structure as the 1:1 conversations. Reading highlights of real customer feedback is a great way to recognize team members and encourage a positive environment. Team scores, key themes and goals should also be on the agenda and lead to open ended discussions around that week/month’s key performance indicators. Keeping in line with a Continuous Improvement Model (below) will keep the discussion on track and productive. 

  1. Act: Execute the agreed-upon plan

  2. Review: Review results—what’s working

  3. Adjust: Focus on behaviors that produce results

  4. Act: Execute

  5. Review....etc.

Successful execution of a performance coaching plan that engages both customers and employees leads to happier customers and a healthier business. If you would like to learn more or need help, our team of Limelight Performance coaches can help your team build a service environment that moves beyond satisfied to impressed.

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