The Art of Human Connection

The Art of Human Connection

FEAR: a distressing, unpleasant, foreboding and deeply real human emotion.

You just received the news—you are going to be filmed, speaking on-camera for your organization’s brand development project. Your 6 foot 4 inch-self is frankly not too cool with this. You also heard you may have make-up and wardrobe. Really? And, there’s also a photo shoot with another entourage. Good grief. This is going to be very painful.

No, it isn’t. You are not going to feel like The Elephant in the Room. In fact, you are going to walk through this experience with a renewed sense of self-confidence, engagement and discovery—you’re even going to have a few good laughs. Why? Because you are in good and wise hands.

My hands. And yes, idgroup hands. We believe in the power of dialogue and connection. One of my favorite responsibilities as a Senior Creative with our brand transformation firm is working creatively and “humanly” with people; our clients, their employees, staff and stakeholders.

Part of what I do is create an experience, an environment in which you’ll feel completely comfortable, respected and relaxed; and all in good karma in front of the camera. It is incumbent on me to connect with each individual on a personal level.  The stronger the dialogue, the stronger the connection; thus, the more comfortable that individual will feel. The more authentic they will be. How can this be? I listen.

Over the course of my career—and I must say it has been a long, long one—I have had the pleasure of working on accounts on both the business and creative side with hundreds of CEOs of national companies, television and radio executives, physicians, attorneys, US congressman and senators, governors, symphony conductors and sports celebrities, institutions and throw in a few famous authors and everyday citizens.

No matter who or what or where, a lot of these people share the same concerns. “I am really dreading this. I will be so nervous. What do I say? What do I wear? I never take a good picture. Can you Photoshop 20 pounds off? I can’t act. I have three legs.” I have heard it all, some new lines occasionally.

The point is, we all harbor the same feelings or emotions about being in front of a camera, an audience, or small group setting. Whether there is a camera around or not, the impact of human connection and dialogue is still relevant, and the potential to engage others emotionally generates an authenticity between people. It can create a catalyst for change in front of the camera, business or the world stage.

"Whether there is a camera around or not, the impact of human connection and dialogue is still relevant, and the potential to engage others emotionally generates an authenticity between people."

Connecting with people is easy for me, it is a gift. Meeting new and interesting people is thrilling to me, because everyone has a story and an importance in the world. You just have to ask the questions and listen.

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