Questions & Answers with Danielle Kelly

Questions & Answers with Danielle Kelly

We believe in perpetuating the purpose and values of the organization through employees. Team engagement is one of the five core elements we focus on in an effort to elevate our culture together. Today, we wanted to introduce one of our idgroupers, Danielle Kelly, so you can learn more about our team members.


Name: Danielle Kelly
Role: Business Manager
Years at idgroup: 5 years
Hometown: Virginia Beach, Virginia

Where did you grow up?

Being a child in a military family, I had the opportunity to live all over the United States. If I had to pick a city to call “home”, it would be Virginia Beach, Virginia. 

Where do you live currently? What is your favorite thing about the community where you live?

I currently live in Pace, Florida. It’s close to Pensacola, but has a small town feel that is very family friendly. I love driving by the farms near our house during my commute and seeing all the cows, goats, and horses! 

What do you do at idgroup?

I currently serve in the role as business manager working directly with our COO and project manager helping to oversee day-to-day operations within idgroup.

How long have you been with idgroup?

Five years this September!

What certain core values do you have in common with idgroup?

I love that one of idgroup’s core strengths is excellence. Upon waking each day, I try very hard to approach all facets of my life with excellence and integrity. I strive to be the best employee, mother, friend, and wife.


What is your guiding principle / motto in life?

Discipline equals freedom. Discipline allows you to practice the daily habits that get you the things you want. I have a flag that says “discipline equals freedom” in my home gym that I look at every single day that reminds me of this motto and reinforces why I make the decisions I do each day.

What is your favorite hobby?

I love a good workout and hiking through the mountains.

Tell me about your pet.

This is Kojo! I adopted him seven years ago from the Pensacola Humane Society. He has been by my side through some really big life moments, and I don’t know what I’d do without him. He is a border collie-cattle dog mix and is too smart for his own good!


Beyond hobbies, what do you do in your spare time?

I love spending time with family and friends, day trips to the beach and fun outings to local breweries.


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