An Intern's Viewpoint: The Final Farewell

An Intern's Viewpoint: The Final Farewell

A college internship can be intimidating when you’ve spent the majority of your life surrounded by peers who look and speak and dress like you. Hopping between college life and the professional world was something that wasn’t easy, but was made memorable due to my time spent at idgroup.

Over the course of four months, I have been given opportunities that I could not have imagined for myself four years ago. I’ve written copy for clients’ social media advertisements. I’ve sat in on countless meetings and seen the incredible relationships idgroup forms with everyone who walks through their door. I’ve been a part of a client’s very first steps into Branding from the Core® and have seen the excitement on their faces when presented with new beginnings for the organizations they are so passionate about. I’ve gotten used to hearing idgroup lingo and have caught myself in my college project group meetings reminding them to “circle back” to certain topics (this is mainly funny if you’ve ever been in a meeting with the idgroup team).

Not only have I completed tasks and received helpful feedback, but also I have learned professional skills that give me the courage and ability to stand up and speak to a room full of strangers or sit in intimate post-graduate job interviews. I’ve learned the importance of loving where you work and what you do, just like every single person at idgroup does. I’ve been very lucky to experience the difference idgroup makes not only to the people that work here, but also to those around them.

Thank you idgroup for teaching me beyond the books. Thank you idgroup for reminding me to always strive to be the best.

— Bailey Smith, Communications Intern

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